Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 8 Washington DC Crimes

Below is a basemap of the Washington DC area. It shows the major hignways, the crime dispersal, and police station. The chart tells how many and what type of crimes were committed in the area.
The map below shows distances from police stations and the crimes committed around them. I noticed that there is a cluster of crimes in the southern part of the state. These crimes happened more than 2 miles away from a police station. I would recommend a new station be placed in this area.

The map below shows where concentrations are higher for different crimes in DC. The areas with higher densities of crimes are a darker color.

The maps below show the density of auto thefts in DC. The chart shows the number of total crimes that happened during each hour of the day. Auto thefts have a higher density during the evening hours. All other crimes have a higher density during evening hours, as shown in the chart.

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