Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 10-Protect

The map below shows the points into and out of the Cheyenne Mountain Heliport 500 ft buffer. Knowing the location of these points is important because it will allow surveillance of who enters and exits the vulnerable infrastructure.

This week's subject was based on homeland security. This week I learned that GIS can be used to locate areas that are vulnerable to terrorist attacks. In the map above, I used ArcMap to form a 3mile buffer around NORAD and a 500 ft buffer around the Cheyenne Mountain Heliport. NORAD and the heliport are considered "critical infrastructure" and are high risk for terrorist attacks. These maps were fairly straightforward and easy to create. I had quite a bit of trouble on the other two deliverables. I had trouble keeping file names organized. I was also confused on which files to use, especially in ArcScene.

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