Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oil Spill Week

The map below shows the coastal land types that will be most affected by the oil spill. The most vulnerable land types are all located within the estuary. Luckily, the beach is the least sensitive to the oil since it will be the hardest hit. Properly placed booms can protect the more sensitive lands inland.
The map below shows the booms that are in place and the ones that are proposed, but not in place. It also shows the management areas which are all managed by the state.

The map below shows the animals that will be affected by oil. SOme species in the list are not native to the area but were in the attribute table, so I included them anyway. There were no mammals in the area that will be affected, according to the data.

This assignment was agonizingly long and difficult!

1 comment:

  1. Your maps for this assignment turned out really great! All of your hard work shows. :)
