Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 6

This map shows two UWF raster images that were georeferenced according to the roads and building layers. I did not have any problems with the lab until the end when I needed to clip off the roads and buildings that were outside the raster image. I ended up deleting them with the editing tool. The line dividing the two images is quite obvious. I don't know how to fix that without messing something else up in the process!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This map shows the DEM, DOQQ and DRG raster files for three Putnam county quadrangles. This map is projected in Transverse Mercator except for the DEM raster. It is "on-the-fly." I made many attempts to get this file to project correctly. It never worked. I probably spent 20 hours trying to get this thing right!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This map of Putnam county shows the major land cover, and invasive plant species. I encountered no problems with making this map. It took a long time to make because it was very slow in loading each layer. The projected coordinate system I used was Albers Conical Equal Area.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here is the first map of my assigned county. This map displays public parks, major highways, hydrology, and cities of Putnam county, Forida. Finding data for this map was not too hard. I did find a couple data layers that had errors in them, I believe. The only other problem I had was the amount of time it took. Sometimes clipping took 15+ minutes. Then when I cancelled the clipping, the program froze up and I lost everything I did not save. I think certain times of the day (around 8 pm specifically) more people are using the network and it is much slower than usual. Today I had no problems with the speed of the program. The Projected coordinate system I used was Albers Conical Equal Area.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I liked this map because it shows the major earthquake and the aftershocks' magnitudes. It also shows how many people were affected by the earthquakes. I found the map at this website:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Florida Map Projections- Week 4

This lab was a bit trickier than the others because I had to remember previous methods (such as selecting the counties). It took a couple of tries before I could reproject the maps. The input and outputs had me confused at first.