Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 3- Mexico

The first map is of Central Mexico's elevation. The second map shows Mexico's urban areas, major highways, railroads, and rivers. The third map shows the states of Mexico and thier populations. I did not have any problems making these maps. Trying to find nice looking colors for the maps was the most difficult part of this assignment.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 2- World Populations Map

The only difficult part of making this map was trying to get the ratio scale accurate. Using the scale bars helps to see exactly what an inch would be on the map. An inch on the map equals 5,200 Km.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Module 1 - Potential Youth Center Locations

The only problem I had with this exercise was that the building addresses were too small and were unreadable. I had to increase the font size. Other than this, the exercise was interesting and allowed me to learn an important use of GIS.

Module 1- San Diego trip

I had a problem with the measurement tool during this exercise. After selecting the two locations to find the distance between them, I did not know how to stop the tool. I just clicked on another tool to discontinue it.